BEWARE!! Hackers found a new way for Endangering Mac OS by Infecting it with Malicious Windows Files
A malicious Windows EXE file can even infect your Mac computer as well. Yes, you heard me right — a .exe malware on macOS.
A malicious Windows EXE file can even infect your Mac computer as well. Yes, you heard me right — a .exe malware on macOS.
The latest data from the security platform highlights that organizations have a lot of work to do to ensure they are secure in the face of a shortage of cybersecurity professionals.
QuadrigaCX, the largest bitcoin exchange in Canada, has claimed to have lost CAD 190 million (nearly USD 145 million) worth of cryptocurrency after the exchange lost access to its cold (offline) storage wallets.
Cryptocurrency exchange loses $145 million after CEO takes passwords to the grave Read More »
HTTP security headers are a crucial part of website security. They protect you against the types of attacks like XSS, code injection, clickjacking, etc.
5 HTTP Headers You Must have on Your Site Read More »
Three days later, still no new details about how the official PHP website hosted a backdoored version of the PEAR package manager for the past six months.
Mystery still surrounds hack of PHP PEAR website Read More »