Indian Cyberspace

Indian Cyberspace has analyzed the tremendous growth in the form of internet users in the last 2-3 years. The Penetration rate in 2013-14 was 10% and now it increased in rates by 40%.

As per we talk about Indian Cyberspace the internet, it is divided into two areas: Urban areas and Rural areas.

By comparing the present situation Urban areas are far better than Rural areas. As we mean that urban areas are far better, but that doesn’t mean the situation in urban is fine.

We are interested in writing this blog after gathering the information on the internet and its security in rural areas. And after analyzing some unexpected information we are too much surprised and also share these things to our blog lovers.

I have summarized this information in the form of bullet points.

  • We have seen that many people are opening their bank accounts and this is good so far. But do they know about the fraud calls, name of crimes related to debit card, secure use of debit card.
  • Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and more are the networking website that was well known and used in urban areas. But the people in rural area even don’t know about what are these application? And what are their uses? Because of language issues.
  • Many peoples in rural area who know about this social media application says that WhatsApp and Facebook are quite easy to use, but other applications are just a waste of time.
  • Most of the people in rural area are not afraid of using the technologies, but they are very much excited in knowing this by someone in their communication and writing languages such as Hindi.
  • More than 90% Students are using the WhatsApp and Facebook, but more than 50% students don’t know about the privacy settings in WhatsApp and Facebook.

All the knowledge gathered from the internet, we think that all grand schemes launched by the government or any private company should have one educational session in every rural and urban areas in which the people are aware about the scheme and their security policies because we believes that awareness is the one solution for security.

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