Top 5 hacker news in January 2019

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root…

I have a few news for HACKER;

1. Facebook is going to monetize encrypted messaging by consolidating metadata

More on: Facebook is going….

2. Abusing Exchange: One API call away from Domain Admin

More on: Abusing Exchange….

3. Millions of PCs Found Running Outdated Versions of Popular Software

More on: Millions of PCs….

4. Researchers Release Tool That Finds Vulnerable Robots on the Internet

More on: Researchers Release….

5. Chinese Hacker Publishes PoC for Remote iOS 12 Jailbreak On iPhone X

More on: Chinese Hacker…..

Excited more about the Hacker news, be sure to visit our blog for monthly security news.

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