Best CMS for Web Development


        Not every web developer likes to write HTML and CSS. In fact, many of them bypass code completely by turning to a Content Management System (CMS). The most popular content management systems are simple to use and offer add-on capabilities. Here is a summary of some of the most useful CMS solutions for web developers.

1. WordPress:

       WordPress is by far the most popular CMS for web development, web hosting, and blogging. It is free and easy to use, powered by software that is created by a vast open source community of volunteers who constantly offer new web development solutions. This community provides countless themes and software plugins.

2. Joomla:

As a free open source PHP-based web development platform, Joomla is a popular alternative to WordPress for independent developers. It is an efficient solution if you want to integrate your site with a database, as it facilitates MySQL, MS-SQL, and PostgreSQL. It’s a powerful platform for building custom websites with the help of the open source community.

3. Drupal:

       Drupal is another free open source CMS written in PHP. A wide range of sites from personal to business to government use this platform. The software comes with an extremely lean basic installation, which can be extended quite a bit by modules. One of the keys that attract developers to Drupal is that sites can be constructed and adapted quickly. It’s a helpful solution for business owners who want to reach the mobile market but do not want to spend time learning code.

4. SilverStripe:

      This CMS  is yet another free open source PHP-based platform that provides users with a WYSIWYG editor. Its BSD licensing originated from UC Berkeley, although SilverStripe is based in New Zealand. The platform focuses on clean design and innovative technology. The company provides hourly support as well as web development training on top of being a cloud-based web host and software developer.SilverStripe offers multiple hosting options including dedicated servers.

5. Squarespace:

         Designed to be a full-service web publishing solution, Squarespace is a web host as well as a web development and blogging platform. It’s an appropriate choice for bloggers who favor attractive designs and simple landing pages. Squarespace gives you the tools to build a sophisticated online store with customizable layouts and an eCommerce solution. Product pages can be easily created with drag and drop tools. Another major benefit is that designs are optimized for mobile shoppers.




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