Hacked Website Repair | Fix Website Hack In Five Easy Steps

Hacked Website Repair | Fix Website Hack In Five Easy Steps

Getting your website hacked is not a new thing. The websites are usually prone to get hacked, and there are various steps that you must take to get rid of such issues. The website is a property of a single person, company or multiple individuals. The famous websites are at a risk always that they might get hacked by someone. It is a common issue that people and companies are discussing recently. The cybercrime of hacking the websites is not increasing with time.

If your website has happened to be hacked, we would, first of all, advise you to resort to specialists to remove malware, backdoors, and viruses from your server and get website protection ASAP.

Your primary task after hacking is to ensure secure storage of information as well as to ensure the security of your website users. Remember that in case of a successful hacking attack you don’t only get malicious code to your website but you can also lose user database with all contact details and passwords. In such a manner intruders can place lots of spam at your web recourse and get passwords to social networks and mailboxes of your customers.

It is also necessary to analyze the hacking of your website to find out soft spots in the code and eliminate them as soon as possible. You should also remember that very often hackers after having got access to your website prefer to reserve ways for further hacking of your web resource. Only a specialist can uncover such ways.

So, here are five easy steps to do in case your website has been hacked:

Steps for repairing a hacked website:

  1. Find Out Exactly What Happened: Check to see if any of your data is missing, or if anything’s been added to your database.
  2. Contact your host: Before you begin diagnosing the problem, tell your host that your site has been attacked and is presently down. They may be able to find out what happened to your site and how to recover it.
  3. Search Twitter and Google for Help: If your host’s support team tells you that nothing is wrong with your server, then you should reach out to the Internet for relevant answers.
  4. Check Your User Accounts: To check if a new user has been created, you will have to scan your site’s user accounts. Delete that new account to prevent future damage from the hacker. Change the passwords for all your accounts and users.
  5. Take Your Site Offline: Taking your site offline is important for two reasons:
  • It prevents the hacker from causing further damage to your site
  • Users are not interested in visiting a site that gives them a scary malware alert Stop your webserver or point your website’s DNS entries to a static page on a different server that uses a 503 HTTP response code. Contact your host again for help if you are not sure how to take your site completely offline.

Website security is immensely essential as a hacked website can cause great damage to the very reputation of your site, particularly if Google puts a “This site may harm your computer” warning on it. Proper website security education accompanied by the willingness to invest in software can make a huge difference in hacking prevention.

To sum up, getting hacked is quite dangerous as it has severe consequences that come with it. You could be roped into selling illegal drugs or promoting propaganda. You could also be pulled into a bigger DDOS scheme wherein hackers attack big companies and brands. Therefore, you need to take care of your security immediately.

It’s extremely important to know why you were hacked in the first place. Because, this will give you a good understanding of what happened, how to seal all entry points and make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.

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