What Hackers Do after Gaining Access to a Website

Hackers usually infect websites with malware. Malware can execute many complex and malicious actions on a website, such as malvertising, illegal downloads, ransomware, and more.

Online malware is not limited to a single course of action or modality. There are multiple outcomes that can strongly affect your personal data, website, and business. Website malware attacks, in particular, happen all the time.

Phishing scams

Phishing is a deceitful attempt at obtaining delicate or private user data, such as login credentials or other personal identification information by pretending to be a different website or person. Phishing scams happen all the time. Never click on unsecured websites or links from people you don’t know.


Ransomware is a type of malware designed to hijack information. It is often isolated to local environments in return for money or some other collateral.

Once cyber attackers gain access to your website, they don’t release it until their request has been granted. This type of attack extends to possible legal and financial issues should the attacker access sensitive information, like credit cards, usernames or social security numbers.


Defacement is done gradually and systematically. The hackers change the original appearance of the targeted website. Website defacement is considered a type of vandalism and is mostly done via SQL injections.

Websites are usually defaced for political reasons or the “lols”.

A defaced website can have its entire homepage (as well as other pages) totally changed, but with a website backup, you can quickly restore it back to normal.

Brute force

A Brute Force Attack is a simple method to gain access to a website. It tries various combinations of the passwords again and again until it gets in. This repetitive action is like an army attacking a fort.

UI Redress

This technique is similar to phishing. But in this case, a hacker would create a fake hidden user interface. Once a user clicks the button with an intention to proceed to a certain page, he will find himself on an unfamiliar website, usually with inappropriate content.

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