My website hacked what to do?

First off, if your site was hacked, you have our sympathy. It’s really frustrating – not only because it’s troublesome to your visitors, but it’s really difficult to completely remove the hack.

There are many ways to resolve the issue, but we’re going to cover the fastest and easiest way to fix your website.

Are you sure it’s hacked?

Unless your website has obviously been defaced, go to domain name — if your website has been hacked, it should show a warning here.

If this doesn’t show an error, it’s possible your website has still been compromised, but it’s less likely.

Take your website offline

You should temporarily shut the site down while it is being assessed and fixed. Your hosting control panel may have the ability to temporarily turn off your site. Or you may need to password protect the main directory where your website resides to block visitors from accessing your site while the team works on fixing it.

Remove the hack

It’s nearly impossible for anyone to reliably remove malware from a website by hand. To remove the compromise from your files, we recommend using a weborion like Express Malware Removal.

Getting your website hacked is no fun!

But you are able to recover from it. So stay calm and call in the right support team to get it fixed and running again. While we’ve just skimmed the surface of the process needed to clean the site, having the right support team in place can make a big difference.

You can check known malware, blacklisting status, website errors, and out-of-date software FREE on Theweborion Tools.

Of course! Our emergency website services can help repair and restore your website after it has been hacked. Contact us today to learn more or write us on

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